Background on the Course
CO300 as a University Core Course
Short Description of the Course
Course Objectives
General Overview
Alternative Approaches and Assignments
(Possible) Differences between COCC150 and CO300
What CO300 Students Are Like
And You Thought...
Beginning with Critical Reading
Opportunities for Innovation
Portfolio Grading as an Option
Teaching in the computer classroom
Finally. . .
Classroom materials
Audience awareness and rhetorical contexts
Critical thinking and reading
Focusing and narrowing topics
Mid-course, group, and supplemental evaluations
More detailed explanation of Rogerian argument and Toulmin analysis
Policy statements and syllabi
Portfolio explanations, checklists, and postscripts
Presenting evidence and organizing arguments/counter-arguments
Research and documentation
Writing assignment sheets
Assignments for portfolio 1
Assignments for portfolio 2
Assignments for portfolio 3
Workshopping and workshop sheets
On workshopping generally
Workshop sheets for portfolio 1
Workshop sheets for portfolio 2
Workshop sheets for portfolio 3
Workshop sheets for general purposes
Sample materials grouped by instructor
Here you will find the materials presented elsewhere in this guide grouped by instructor, to give you a sense of how these individual teachers approach the class.