Writing@CSU Guide

Curriculum Vitae

What is a Curriculum Vitae? Curriculum Vitae (Latin): the course of your academic life.

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a formally presented, detailed synopsis of your academic and research experiences and accomplishments. A CV is usually requested for teaching and research positions, but is also a part of the application process for some graduate programs and international positions.

How is a CV is Different from a Resume?

Many job search committees for teaching, graduate school, international or research positions request a CV to get a fuller picture of your academic experiences, accomplishments and interests than a resume can provide.

A resume lists your education, experience and skills. Your CV allows you to go beyond listing your relevant experiences and accomplishments; you can also convey the substance of those experiences and accomplishments.

Unlike a resume, which is usually about one page long, CVs vary in length, from about two to five pages, depending on the applicant's relevant experiences.

Writing Your CV--Step by Step

Just like any other writing task, your CV writing process should begin with understanding your audience and purpose so that you can determine what information is most relevant and important to that audience. Next, you collect that information, and then organize it in some form of an outline. You write a draft, you reconsider, perhaps even reorganize, and you revise and edit. This guide will help you with each part of the process.

Understanding Purpose

Your ultimate purpose is to get a job, but the purpose of a CV is to convey why you want and are qualified for a particular job. Furthermore, since the CV communicates the substance of your experiences and accomplishments, its main purpose is to demonstrate the relevance of the course of your academic life to the position you seek.

For example, are you applying for a research position at a university? If so, your CV should emphasize your research experiences, interests and publications. Are you applying for a university professor position? If so, your CV will emphasize your teaching experiences and academic interest.

Understanding Audience

The Curriculum Vitae is usually requested for academic positions including teaching, administration and research. A CV is also sometimes requested for international positions and graduate school applications. What you choose to include and emphasize on your own CV will depend on your audience. The search committee will often read your CV before your resume (in fact, many search committees request a CV and not a resume), so it should emphasize the experiences and accomplishments that have directed the course of your academic life to this search committee and that make you the best candidate for the position.

Researching Your Audience

Knowledge of the specific job you are seeking helps you decide how best to present your experiences and accomplishments to the search committee. Understanding the job setting and surrounding community can be helpful as well.

As an example of the importance of knowing your audience, consider an applicant for an associate professor position whose interests include cultural studies and secondary school education. That CV can demonstrate that the candidate is qualified to teach literature in an English department that offers cultural studies coursework. But researching the job itself, the job setting and the surrounding community would reveal that this university's English department is closely related to the Education department, which works closely with secondary schools in the community. With this information, the candidate can craft her CV to reflect that her experiences, accomplishments and interests qualify her more than other candidates.

The more you know about the position and the working environment, the better able you will be to relate your experiences and accomplishments, so researching your audience is an important first step.

Tips for Researching CV Audiences

So that you can be sure to include every relevant experience and accomplishment (and so that you are sure you actually want the position for which you are applying), you'll need to find out a good deal about the job itself and the employer. Fortunately, this important research can be done fairly easily.

  • Carefully read the job description, as well as descriptions of other available positions. Read between the lines to determine the actual nature of the job and the employers so that you can shape your CV accordingly
  • Conduct an Internet search to find information about the employer. Employer websites can provide useful information that can help you understand the context of the job for which you are applying.
  • Use the following questions as starting points for your research:
    • What does the position entail?
    • With what types of people will you work?
    • For what types of people will you work?
    • For teaching positions, what pedagogical approach does the department take?
    • What course offerings are similar to those with which you have experience?
    • What are the research interests and publications of faculty members?
    • What opportunities and expectations exist for research and publication?

Look at Other CVs

Though many people have experience writing a resume, CVs are not as familiar. Taking a look at a few sample CVs helps you get a feel for this type of document. As you review samples, consider the range of possibilities as well as the similarities that appear for content, format and organizational choices.

Related Information: Academic Position CV Example 1

Keri Michaels

123 Smith St. Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 ? (970) ***-**** email@colostate.edu


Master of Arts in English, August 2001
Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO
Advisors: John Calderazzo and Kate Kiefer
Project: Creative Non-Fiction Portfolio


New York State Certificate of Qualification in English grades 7-12


Administrative Lecturer - Colorado State University English Department, Fort Collins, Colorado. (August 2001 – present)

  • Currently teach two sections of College Composition (CO150) and one section of Writing in the Discipline: Education (CO301D).
  • Have previously taught fourteen sections of College Composition, two sections of Writing Arguments (CO300) and one section of Academic Writing (CO130).
  • Participated in three week-long GTA summer training programs.
  • Observed GTAs’ teaching and oversaw their evaluation of student writing.
  • Modeled classroom practices and strategies for GTAs who observed my class.
  • Presented materials on topics related to the job search and teaching with technology during bi-weekly Professional Internship in English meetings.
  • Met regularly with GTAs during their first semester of teaching to discuss classroom experiences, students concerns, assessment strategies and syllabus revisions.
  • Collaborated with the Composition Staff every other week to share observations of GTAs and to revise program materials and strategies to better meet our goals.
  • Developed and wrote the College Composition department syllabus (Spring 2002).
  • Wrote and published a series of teaching guides for incoming GTAs (Spring 2002)
  • Served on the GTA selection committee (Spring 2002).
  • Coordinated Professional Internship in English meetings by generating topics, procuring speakers, and advertising meetings to GTAs and adjuncts (Fall 2002).
  • Contributed to the founding of Talking Back – an academic, online website for student writing at Colorado State University (Fall 2001). Continue to evaluate and edit submissions.

Assistant Theatre Director – Academy for Creative Arts, Crested Butte, Colorado. (Summer of 2002 and 2003)

  • Worked with students, grades 7 – 12 to produce popular plays for the local community.
  • Coordinated academy events, chaperoned students during evenings, designed and produced programs for each play, and managed the backstage area during performances.

Advanced Placement Exam Reader – Educational Testing Services, Daytona, Florida. (June 2003)

  • Participated in training to learn how to apply standard criteria to various student essays.
  • Scored numerous essays for the language portion of the advanced placement test.
  • Exchanged ideas with high school and college teachers from schools across the country.

Upward Bound Language Arts Instructor - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. (June 2001- August 2001)

  • Taught two sections of Language Arts, grades 9 and 10.
  • Worked individually with students during nightly study hours.
  • Volunteered for academic and recreational activities in order to build a strong learning community.

Graduate Teaching Assistant - Colorado State University English Department, Fort Collins, Colorado. (August 1999-May 2001)

  • Taught five sections of College Composition (CO150), including one Key Academic section in a computer-networked classroom.
  • Applied department philosophy and theories to revise the course syllabus.
  • Collaborated with other GTAs, lecturers and composition faculty to improve teaching methods and pedagogy.

ESL Instructor, Literacy Volunteers of America - Lockport, New York. (August 1998-January 1999)

  • Independently organized three meetings per week with two Korean adult learners seeking conversational skills in English.
  • Designed engaging lessons to enhance basic literacy and understanding of American culture.

Long Term Substitute Teacher - Starpoint Central School, Pendelton, New York. (Fall 1998)

  • Assumed full responsibility for eight weeks of Home and Careers, grades 7-8.
  • Instructed one section of Early Child Development, grades 9-12.

Summer School Teacher - Starpoint Elementary School, Pendleton, New York. (July-August 1998)

  • Conducted two sessions of remedial reading, grades 2 - 4.
  • Worked collaboratively with two additional reading instructors to develop effective methods in teaching. Utilized school computer labs to complement instruction.

Teaching Intern - Gowanda Central School, Gowanda, New York. (April-May 1998)

  • Facilitated six sections of English, grade 8.
  • Developed and taught a five week unit on the Holocaust.
  • Organized a school wide assembly featuring a Holocaust survivor.

Teaching Intern - Fredonia High School, Fredonia, New York. (January-April 1998)

  • Instructed five sections of English, grades 11-12, including one section of Advanced Placement.
  • Supervised the production of the Crucible, high school literary magazine.
  • Advised RESPECT club, aiding students in the promotion of human rights.


Adjunct Retreat (Fall 2002)

  • Attended a day long meeting to become more familiar with the history, goals, and pedagogy for the composition department at Colorado State University.

Professional Internship in English (August 1999-2001)

  • Attended meetings to collaborate on teaching strategies and syllabus revisions in CO150.

Internship in Composition Administration (Spring 2000)

  • Observed and evaluated first year Teaching Assistants' classroom procedures and grading.
  • Facilitated a Professional Internship in English meeting to review the goals of CO150 and initiate new methods for achieving these goals.

Computer Experience (Fall 1999 – present)

  • Utilized computer resources such as: SyllaBase, The Writing Studio, The Bedford Researcher, Hyperfolio, Library Databases, and e-mail, to assist students with their writing and to extend the classroom.
  • Participated in various presentations on using computers to teach writing and research during Professional Internship in English meetings.
  • Assisted in the creation of The Writing Well Café, a computer resource for writers at CSU.

ESL Workshop (February 1998)

  • Attended four, three-hour sessions of ESL instruction. Aided in the construction of an ESL student profile for international students.


  • Forthcoming collaborative chapter titled: “Other Voices, Other Rooms: Building a Collaborative Community of New Teachers of First-Year Writing”
  • Series of teaching guides titled: “Planning a Class,” “Leading a Discussion,” and “Using Student Peer Review.” Published through the Writing@Colorado State University website: http://writing.colostate.edu/comp/co150/teaching.cfm, (Fall 2002).
  • A personal essay titled, “Bread-Making,” published at the Nieve Roja Review, an online literary journal at Colorado State University (Fall 1999).



  • Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Colorado State University (August 1999)
  • John and Eleanor Courts Scholarship-most prestigious award in English Education at Fredonia State University (May 1998)
  • Honors in Student Teaching Award (May 1998)
  • Kappa Delta Pi, Honor Society in Education (May 1998)
  • Cum Laude Graduate (May 1998)

Related Information: Academic Position CV Example 2

123 Smith Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Jennifer Malb

M. F. A. in Creative Writing (emphasis on Poetry). Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. May 2004. 4.0 GPA. Awarded distinction for both thesis and graduate portfolio

Thesis Project: apeiron. A collection of original poetry focusing on the dissolution and re-envisioning of the "boundaries" between art and science, experience and analysis, and on the exploration of form as a matrix for multiplicitous reading.

Committee Members: Matthew Cooperman, English (Advisor); Bill Tremblay, English; Melinda Laituri, Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Stewardship.

B. A. in English (Creative Writing) and Political Science. Metropolitan State College of Denver. Denver, CO. May 2001. Summa Cum Laude. 4.0 GPA.

Teaching Experience

Administrative Lecturer. Colorado State University, Fall 2004-Present.

Plan and teach three courses per semester, including COCC150, College Composition, ECC238, Twentieth Century Fiction, COCC300, Writing Arguments, and ECC232, Introduction to Humanities. Course instruction includes the integration of technology into the classroom through the use of Colorado State University's online Writing Studio and online Writing Center, as well as through teaching in computer classrooms. Assume sole responsibility for instruction of students, evaluation of writing, and creation and modifications of syllabi in all classes taught.

Additional requirements of position include full participation in the Colorado State University English/Composition Department's training program for graduate teaching assistants. Responsibilities include planning and conducting with other members of the composition faculty a week-long orientation program for new graduate teaching assistants, focusing on syllabus and lesson plan creation, practice teaching, student evaluation strategies, use of instructional technology, and classroom management tactics. Responsible for supervising first and second year graduate teaching assistants throughout the semester, including classroom observations and counseling on syllabus development, lesson planning, classroom instruction, use of technology, and grading. Also responsible for planning, participating in, and leading six Professional Internship in English (PIE) and two Composition Colloquia sessions for graduate teaching assistants each semester.

Internship in Writing Program Administration. Colorado State University, Spring 2004.

Completed 3 credits of coursework involving writing program administration theory and practice, including discussions of graduate teaching assistant training programs, writing course design and evaluation, textbook evaluation, implementation of technology in the writing classroom, and writing center theory and practice. Observed and commented on composition classes; participated in grading reviews. Course project focused on developing activities to encourage graduate teaching assistants to explore possible connections between their situated knowledges as writers and researchers and their teaching practice and philosophies.

Graduate Teaching Assistantship. Colorado State University, Fall 2002 through Spring 2004.

COCC150, College Composition. Taught four sections. Course goals focused on teaching writing as a series of tactics used in response to contextual writing goals, a recursive process of revision, and a reader-sensitive process. Assumed sole responsibility for instruction of students, evaluation of writing, and modifications of syllabus.

E210, Introduction to Creative Writing. Taught one section. Course goals focused on the production and revision of students' original creative fiction and poetry. Assumed sole responsibility for syllabus design, instruction of students, and evaluation of writing.

Teaching Internship in Creative Writing. Colorado State University, Fall 2002 and Fall 2003.

Completed 6 credits of coursework involving practice teaching sessions in an E210 class, discussion of pedagogical theory and practice in the creative writing classroom, syllabus and lesson plan design, textbook evaluation, and discussion of classroom management techniques.

Teaching Assistant. Colorado State University, Spring 2002.

E240, Introduction to Poetry. Served as the teaching assistant for one section of introductory literature course. Responsibilities included evaluation of student work, lesson plan design, and instruction of students under the supervision of primary course instructor.

Professional Internship in English (PIE), completed May 2004.

Participated in a professional development program for graduate teaching assistants run through CSU's English Department. Completed 9 credits of coursework involving a semester of practice teaching and discussion of pedagogical theories and techniques, as well as regular meetings for the next three semesters on topics pertaining to the field of composition.


"a theory of thermodynamics" (Poem). Chicago Review. Forthcoming.

"a theory of domesticity" (Poem). The Denver Quarterly. 39.2 (2004):76.

"Poetry Writing Room" (Website). The Writing Center at Colorado State University. Ed. Mike Palmquist. Fall 2004. Colorado State University. http://writing.colostate.edu/collections/poetry/.

"Online Writing Studio: Up and Running" (Article). The Freestone, CSU's English Department Alumni Magazine. Spring 2003.

"Literacy Through Poetry Educates Graduates and Kids" (Article). The Freestone, CSU's English Department Alumni Magazine. Spring 2002.

Conference Papers

"notes toward a spectral poetics." Third Annual Graduate Colloquium, Colorado State University English Department. Fort Collins, Colorado. Spring 2004.

"Strange Attractors: The Cross-Pollination of Chaos Theory and Poststructuralism (in the Practice of Contemporary Poetry)." Second Annual Graduate Colloquium, Colorado State University English Department. Fort Collins, Colorado. Spring 2003.

"To Speak in a Forgotten Language: Poetry as a Voice for the More-than-human World." First Annual Graduate Colloquium, Colorado State University English Department. Fort Collins, Colorado. Spring 2002.

Professional Activities

Composition Placement Exam Grader. Colorado State University English Department, Summer 2004 and Spring 2005.

Composition Program Committee. Colorado State University English Department. Member, 2004-2005.

Community Service

Grantwriter and Administrative Coordinator. Literacy Through Poetry. May 2003 through January 2004. Performed all levels of administrative work for Colorado State University literacy outreach program, including researching and writing grants, recruiting participating public school teachers from the Poudre School District, managing budget, archiving project materials, and maintaining donor relations. Raised over $36,000 in program support for the 2004-2007 school years.

Poetry Screener. Creative and Performing Arts Undergraduate Scholarship Contest, Colorado State University. Fall 2003.

Apprentice Poet. Literacy Through Poetry. Fall 2001 through Spring 2003. Attended training workshops on teaching poetry in public school elementary classrooms. Planned and taught lessons on reading and writing poetry in four different Poudre School District elementary classrooms (one each semester). Designed and produced class anthologies.

Visiting Poet. Poudre School District. Fall 2002-Spring 2004. Presented discussion and lessons on contemporary poetry for ninth and tenth grade classes at Thompson Valley High School, eighth grade classes at Webber Junior High School, and fourth, fifth, and sixth grade classes at Bauder Elementary School.

Poetry Judge. Kaleidoscope, Poudre High School's student literary magazine. Spring 2002 and Spring 2003.

Administrative Assistant. Poet Laureate Project. Spring 2002, Summer 2002, and Summer 2003. Managed literacy outreach projects, including budgets and planning. Organized and maintained project archives; coordinated International Reading Series and managed visits of guest writers Jorge Edwards and Tomaz Salamun.

Awards and Honors

Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize. Finalist for apeiron. Summer 2004.

Third Annual Slope Editions Book Prize. Semifinalist for aperion. Summer 2004.

Arts Alive Artist Fellowship. Recipient. Summer 2004.

John Clark Pratt Award for Excellence in Creativity, Scholarship, and Service. Colorado State University English Department. 2003-04.

College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award. Nominee, Colorado State University English Department. Fall 2003.

Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship. Nominee, Colorado State University English Department. Spring 2003.

Academy of American Poets Prize at Colorado State University. Honorable Mention. Spring 2003.

Association of Writers and Writing Programs Intro Journals Project. Nominee, Colorado State University English Department. Fall 2002.


Related Information: Graduate School CV Example 1

Toby Jacobs

1234 Smith Avenue ~ Anywhere, NY 11111
Office (***)***-**** ~ Home (***) ****-**** ~ email@.edu


in progress PhD Syracuse University
Composition and Cultural Rhetoric
1998 MA University of Illinois at Chicago
Creative Writing: Specialization in Poetry
Manuscript: Falling into the Wind
1995 BA University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point
English Education with Honors
Minor in Writing

Honors and Awards:

2001 Syracuse University Summer Fellowship ($550)
2000 Outstanding TA Teaching Award
1999-2002 Syracuse University Teaching Associate
1999 Syracuse University Summer Fellowship ($500)
1995 Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities
1995 Chancellor's Leadership Award
1995 University Leadership Award
1994 Sigma Tau Delta English Honorary Society
1994 Master Tutor Award (2 awarded annually)
1993 Association for Community Tasks President's Scholarship
1991 Writers' Workshop Children's Writing Scholarship


2000 Vision Grant. Center for Teaching and Learning. Syracuse University. With the Writing Program Service Learning Group. ($29,000)
1999 Vision Grant. Center for Teaching and Learning. Syracuse University. With the Writing Program Service Learning Group. ($25,000)
1998 University of Illinois at Chicago Summer Session Course Enhancement. ($580)
1998 University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Curriculum and Instruction Grant. With Veronda Pitchford, University Library. ($4700)


"The Community Child Project: A University-Community Literacy Initiative." Community Matters: Reading and Writing About Community. Eds. Marjorie Ford and Elizabeth Schave. (Summer 2001).

"Ruptura: Acknowledging the Lost Subjects of the Service Learning Story." With Tracy Hamler Carrick and Margaret Himley. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines (Fall 2000): 56-75.

"Speaking the Language: Written Dialogue in the Composition Classroom" in In Our Own Voice: Graduate Students Teaching Writing. Allyn & Bacon 1999.

The Road to Research: A Guide for Research and Resources at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Co-Author and Co-Editor, Urbana, IL: Stipes Publishing, 1999.

Conference Presentations:

"Contraband Literacies: Desire/Resistance/Writing." Borderlands: Remapping Zones of Cultural Practice and Representation, 31 March 2001.

"Redefining Need in Community-University Partnerships: A Collaborative Perspective." Conference on College Composition and Communication, 17 March 2001.

"The Responsibility of Articulation: (Re)turning Reflective Writing to the Public Sphere." Conference on College Composition and Communication, 19 April 2000.

"Student Athletes in the Community Service Classroom." National Conference of Teachers of English. 21 November 1999.

"Dissolving the Walls: Community Service Learning in the Composition Classroom." Conference on College Composition and Communication, 25 March 1999.

"Reimagining the Class/room: Voices Over Voices." Writing Program Spring Conference, Syracuse University. 1 February 1999.

"Service Learning in the Writing Program: Complementary Curricular Goals." Writing Program Spring Conference, Syracuse University. 1 February 1999.

"Redefining Community in the Composition Classroom" College and University English Articulation Conference, University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana, 24 April 1998.

"Realizing A Sense of Community: Pilsen, The Arts, and The University of Illinois at Chicago." Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2 April 1998.

"Collaboration in the Freshman Research Seminar: Exploring the Arts in Chicago." Community College and University English Articulation Conference, University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana, 17 April 1997.

Teaching Experience:

  • Syracuse University, Writing Program
Spring 2001 WRT 670: Teaching Practicum for New Instructors
Fall 2000 WRT 305: Civic Writing: Advocacy as Community Service Learning
WRT 670: Teaching Practicum for New Instructors
Spring 2000 WRT 205: Rhetoric: Community Matters (Service Learning)
Fall 1999 WRT 105: Literacy and Community (Service Learning)
Spring 1999 WRT 205: Rhetoric: Community Matters (Service Learning)
Fall 1998 WRT 105: Literacy and Community
  • Jamesville Prison, Outreach Classes
Fall 2000 Lifewriting
Spring 2001 Lifewriting
  • Colgate University, Summer Program
Summer 2000 College Writing
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, English Department
Summer 1998 English 161: Exploring the Arts in Chicago
Spring 1998 English 161: Exploring the Arts in Chicago
Fall 1997 English 160: Literacy and Community
Spring 1997 English 161: Exploring the Arts in Chicago
  • University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, Summer Programs
Summer 1997 English for College Summer Program: Reading, Writing, & Oral ESL Courses
  • East-West University, Basic Writing Department
Spring 1997 English 119: Basic English II
Fall 1996 English 109: Basic English I
English 129: College Writing Seminar
  • Stevens Point Area High School, English Department
Fall 1995 Sophomore Composition Modern Literature

Academic Experience:

2001 SU Writing Program, summer start writing consultant
2000 SU Center for Public and Community Service, writing consultant
2000 SU Writing Program Summer Team, community day coordinator
1999-2000 SU Writing Program Administrative Fellow, professional development events coordinator
1999 Syracuse Academic Improvement Program, academic summer advisor
1999 SU Writing Program Summer Team, conference coordinator
1998-2000 SU Manley Field House, student athlete writing consultant
1998 UI at Chicago English Department, research assistant with Dr. Virginia Wexman Conversations with Jane Campion (U of MS Press 1999)
1997 UI at Chicago Great Cities See Grant, writing consultant with Mujeres Latinas en Accion
1997 UI at Chicago Summer Session Office, special projects graduate assistant
1996-97 UI at Chicago Writing Center, writing tutor
1994-95 UW at Stevens Point Writers' Workshop Conference, assistant director/Foreground editor
1993-95 UW at Stevens Point Writing Center, wrting tutor/ambassador

International Experience:

Summer 1997 University of Illinois-Chicago Great Cities Program Great Cities Chicago-London Research Project
Spring 1996 American Cooperative School Substitute Teacher/Tutor, La Paz, Bolivia

Professional Experience:

1999-2001 The Learning Place, adult literacy tutor
1999-2000 Success by Six Greater Syracuse Literacy Initiative, Community-Child Group
1998-2001 Syracuse University Writing Program Service Learning Collective
1998 English 482: Secondary English Education Seminar, UIC, invited speaker
1998 University of IL at Chicago Reading Series, featured poet
1998 Great Cities Chicago-London Summer Research Program, UIC, invited speaker
1998 Illinois Valley CC "Day of Writing" Workshop, poetry workshop leader
1998 English 501: Language, Literacy, and Rhetoric Seminar, UIC, invited speaker
1997-98 UIC Graduate Committee, graduate representative
1997-98 UIC Reading Series Committee, graduate member
1997 English Composition Teaching Seminar, UIC, invited speaker
1997 UIC Teaching Assistant Training, collaborative learning workshop presenter
1996 La Paz American Cooperative School Forensics Team, assistant coach
1995 Pacelli High School English Department, invited poet
1995 UWSP Teacher Education Committee, undergraduate representative
1995 UWSP Writers' Workshop for High School Writers, invited poet


Certification in Secondary English Education, Wisconsin


College Composition and Communication National Council of Teachers of English

Related Information: Graduate School CV Example 2

Erin Gildon
123 Smith Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) ***-**** email @colostate.edu


MA, Rhetoric and Composition (to be completed in May 2005)

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Thesis: "Pop Culture, Critical Pedagogy, and Identity in the Composition Classroom"
Committee Members: Dr. Lisa Langstraat (advisor), English; Dr. Stephen Reid, English; Dr. Naomi Rockler (Speech Communication)

BA, English, Creative Writing (December 2002)

graduated cum laude
Woman Student Leader of the Year Nominee, 2001-2002
Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

AA, University Studies (December 2000)

MiraCosta College, Oceanside, CA


Graduate Teaching Assistant

Colorado State University, Fall 2003-Spring 2004
taught two sections of CO150: College Composition

Writing Center Consultant/Tutor

Colorado State University, Fall 2003-Summer 2004
Private Tutor, Spring 2003
Sonoma State University, Fall 2000-Fall 2002

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Sonoma State University, Fall 2001
assisted with one section of ENGL101: Expository Writing and Analytical Reading

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Assistant Director, Colorado State University Writing Center, Summer 2004-present

Treasurer, Rhetoric and Composition Studies Association, Sonoma State University, Fall 2002

Administrative Coordinator, Sonoma State University Writing Center, Summer 2002

President, English Students' Association, Sonoma State University, Spring 2002

Vice President, English Students' Association, Sonoma State University, Fall 2001


"Creating Our Roots: (Re)Writing a Writing Center Mission Statement."
Presentation to be submitted for the Rocky Mountain Peer Tutoring Conference.

"Writing Center Reaches Out to a Broader Community."
The Freestone: Colorado State University's English Department Alumni Magazine. Spring 2004: 11.

"Time to Play: Inviting New Worlds of Discourse into the Writing Center."
Writing Center Workshop, Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY, 19 March 2003.

"(we both knew he was allergic to bees)."
zaum: Literary Review of Sonoma State University. 2003: 36.

"(both hands)."
zaum: Literary Review of Sonoma State University. 2003: 86-87.

"Tutorials from Mordor: Professionalism in the Face of Evil."
Northern California Writing Centers Association Conference. Monterey Bay, CA, 08 March 2003.

"Engaging the Critical and the Creative: Creative Writing Workshops Out of the Writing Center."
International Writing Centers Association Conference. Savannah, GA, 13 April 2002.

"Engaging the Critical and the Creative: Creative Writing Workshops out of the Writing Center."
Northern California Writing Centers Association Conference. Hayward, CA, 01 March 2002.

"Stretching the Center: Expanding the Roles of Tutors in Writing Programs."
Northern California Writing Centers Association Conference. Hayward, CA, 01 March 2002.


Professional Internship in English, Colorado State University, to be completed in May 2005

12 credit program with English and Composition faculty

Internship in Composition Administration, Colorado State University, Spring 2004

Semester-long internship with Dr. Stephen Reid
Final research project: "Preventing GTAs from jumping off a Bridge: Pre-Service Orientation Activities."

Coordinator, "Women's Words, Women's Power" reading series and fundraiser for Sonoma County YWCA Women's Shelter, March 2002

Marketing Committee Member, zuam: Literary Review for Sonoma State University, Spring 2002

Editorial Committee Member, zuam: Literary Review for Sonoma State University, Fall 2001

Developer/Facilitator, Creative Writing "Playshops," Sonoma State University Writing Center, Fall 2001-Fall 2002

  SP601: Ancient and Medieval Rhetoric (Dr. Martin Carcasson), Fall 2004
E642: Writing Hypertexts (Dr. Mike Palmquist), Fall 2004
E633: Reading and Writing Online Texts (Dr. Sarah Sloane), Spring 2004
E501: Theories of Writing (Dr. Lisa Langstraat), Fall 2003
ENGL487: Classical Rhetoric (Dr. Scott Miller), Fall 2002
ENGL399: Rhetorical Applications (student-instructed course), Spring 2002
ENGL487: Literature and/as Rhetoric (Dr. Scott Miller), Fall 2001

Start Writing Your First Draft

If your review of sample CVs sparks ideas for your own CV, start writing! Remember, your choices of what to include and exclude should be determined by what the audience needs to know about you in order to consider you the best candidate. You'll certainly want to tailor your CV to each particular audience; but keep in mind that having a master copy or template that is a basic, all-inclusive version of your CV to work from will make that tailoring process less time-consuming.

List and Categorize

List and categorize all of your relevant accomplishments: academic, scholarly and creative work, community involvement, publications, honors and awards. You can approach this step in a few different ways. You can list your accomplishments first, and then arrange the list into categories. Or, you can start with categories and add items within them.

To list accomplishments first, then arrange the list into categories:

  • Write a list of every academic and research accomplishment you can remember.
  • Review your resume and add to your list anything on your resume that is related to your academic and research accomplishments.
  • Review the list of categories and decide which categories you should include, exclude and which you should emphasize and highlight.
  • Group items from your list into categories.

To start with categories and add items within them:

  • Identify which categories you want to emphasize for the CV's intended audience.
  • Organize your experience and adjust categories as needed. You can use your resume as a guide, but don't simply repeat the information from your resume (your audience will probably already have your resume to read for themselves).

Possible Categories for Your CV

Use these categories as a starting point. These categories can be combined, rearranged and rewritten as you see fit. For example, some CVs combine Teaching Experience and Related Professional Experience into one category. Others, especially recent graduates, focus on Relevant Coursework, Professional Training and Leadership Roles.

  • Education: includes B.A. and M.A./M.F.A., PhD., any professional certifications (e.g. teaching licensure); don't include g.p.a., do include brief description of thesis and/or dissertation work
  • Publications: journals, online publications, book reviews, any published work related to teaching
  • Teaching Experience: classroom teaching, tutoring (volunteer, writing center, etc.), highlight any technology experience with teaching
  • Technology Experience and Specialized Skills: teaching in computer classroom, writing for Writing@CSU, online publications, etc.
  • Related Professional Experience: internships, any writing/editing jobs, any literacy tutoring, Writing Center tutoring, grading placement exams, etc.
  • Professional Training/Development: any workshops attended (e.g. multicultural teaching, women's studies), seminar training
  • Relevant Coursework: highlight classes that are most relevant to career objective
  • Professional Writing Experience: any other published work not related to teaching or creative activity
  • Administration and Leadership: e.g. assistant director to writing center, editor of university-affiliated journal, research assistant, internship work, student organization and committee work
  • Community Involvement : include volunteer and paid work
  • Editing: editor of writing journals, editing dissertations/theses, paid proofreading work
  • Academic or Professional Presentations: any academic presentations (including local as well as national and international forums), conference presentations, guest lecturing, writing center presentations
  • Scientific Research, Laboratory Experience: include experience and skills related to career objective
  • Consulting: one-on-one work with faculty in writing center
  • Professional Service/Organization: memberships in AWP, NCTE, etc. and work on committees
  • Honors and Awards
  • Travel Experience, Cultural Exposure and Foreign Language Skills
  • References
  • Professional Licenses or Certification

Provide Details

Details are usually listed in sequential order, (customarily ordered from first to last). You'll need to provide two kinds of details: informational and explanatory.

Informational details: Similar to a resume, the categories of professional experience, education, training, service and relevant coursework should provide the institution name, location, dates of attendance/employment. Publication details should include basic bibliographic information; grants and awards details should explain grant amount, benefactor, date and project title.

Explanatory details: Unlike a resume, you'll develop your CV by adding text that will help the audience understand the relevance of certain experiences to the job or position for which you are applying. Most CVs provide some explanation in the categories of their professional experience, specialized training, community work and related academic projects (i.e., thesis or dissertation focus). Keep in mind, though, that every item in every category need not be followed by an explanation. Many CVs do not provide explanations for items such as publication credits and awards, unless an explanation will help your audience understand its relevance. See this sample to get a feel for which items are usually followed by explanatory details.

What to Include in the Explanatory Details

What you write should be influenced by what you know about the job position.

For example, a CV written for a community college teaching job might relate your teaching experiences by discussing your involvement with similar student populations or highlighting teaching approaches you take that are similar to those taken at the community college.

Or, a CV written for a new or developing department might draw attention to your experience with curriculum development and revision, as well as your ability (or desire) to incorporate and apply related academic and research interests to course development.

Or, a CV written for an international research position might discuss professional experiences or accomplishments involving travel, multilingual ability, collaborative work and flexibility.

Organizing Your CV Draft

Now that you have a list of categories and items to fill them, carefully consider how you want to organize the CV. More specifically, how will you order the categories on the CV? Your audience should determine whether you follow Education with Professional Experience, or Honors and Awards, or Research Work, as well as what order other categories should follow.

For example, a CV for a teaching position would start by emphasizing your education and certification (if any) and professional experience related to teaching. Then, depending on which areas you have the most experience with, the CV will provide details about publication and conference credits, leadership roles, community service, relevant training and coursework, and awards and honors.

On the other hand, a CV for a research position would start by emphasizing your education and research experience. Then your CV would detail professional positions, membership in professional associations, grants, publications, current projects and a summary of research interests.

Revise Your Draft

After the first draft is written, revise. Review each item carefully to decide if you should reorganize any information, tighten your language use, provide more (or fewer) details for professional experience.

Also, consider if any of your categories are looking sparse. If so, can you move the item(s) within that category somewhere else? Can the categories be renamed to describe more aptly the contents?

Get Feedback from a Reader

This reader should be familiar with the CV format and the types of jobs that require a CV. Students can ask for feedback from their advisor, a friendly professor, or a campus job center counselor. Most on-campus writing centers employ tutors who are happy to provide feedback on your CV. If you don't have access to these resources, get a friend or family member to review your writing; new eyes help catch things you might have missed!

Revise Again, Proofread and Edit

Revise your CV as needed based on feedback you receive from readers. Then, edit and proofread your CV carefully. Proofread, check format consistency, and be sure to use an active voice with carefully chosen, specific language.

Editing checklist:

  • Proofread! Get another pair of eyes to review your work as well.
  • Be consistent with the document's organization - capitalizing, italicizing, bulleting, etc.
  • Make sure your margins are even.
  • Make sure to use the correct verb tense when discussing past activities.
  • Make sure the document is easy to read.
  • Use specific language - concrete nouns and active verbs, avoid passive voice!

Links to Other Resources

Information About Writing a CV:

Links to Sample CVs:

Citation: Please adapt for your documentation style.

Rallo, Renee. (2005). Curriculum Vitae. Writing@CSU. Colorado State University. https://writing.colostate.edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=62