Some monkeys I like, some I don't

I am hoping to use this site to discuss some things that I am bothered by and where relevant, suggest solutions if I have any. I'll be honest, some of the time, I won't know what should be done, I'm just angry and want to blow off some steam. As I write and post, I reserve the right to be convinced or learn otherwise and change my mind. I am living my life not as a fixed being, but rather as one continually moving and changing. Above all, I am always open to new information. There are so many things I'd like to be proven wrong about.

My concern with issues of politics and law, religion, economics, and such things is always going to be focused on how those things affect the quality of people's lives. That is what I truly care about. For now, here is a list of the issues I'd like to research, write about, and post for you to read and respond to: our current president (one of the monkeys I don't like), our government and laws (things like abortion, capital punishment, the drug war and marijuana prohibition, etc.), religion (things like the practice of Christianity in the U.S., how it is related to our economic system, my own experience with religion, the Taliban--I realize the Taliban isn't American, but I am fascinated and horrified by it), capitalism (advertising, how our culture defines success in material terms, the effect that has on our society, our children, and our ability to lead a happy life), expatriatism and other cultures (specifically the Dutch), what happiness is and how to be happy, and finally I would like to include movie and book recommendations of art concerned with these same social issues. I also want to include the work of others who are interested in writing and posting pieces related to the topics found on the site.

Copyright Salahub 2001