
"Presidenting is Hard"

--Will Ferrell of Saturday Night Live as George W. Bush

I would have loved to see a presidential race between Bill Bradley and John McCain. That would have gotten me interested in the outcome. They were both good choices, even though my values are more like those of the Democratic party. However, neither man made it to the final race. Instead, we were stuck voting for Al Gore and George W. Bush, two of the most uniteresting characters alive. In America, we like to believe that our elected officials--especially our president--are the best of the best. I'd have to say we were wrong in this case.

Because I live in the conservative state of Colorado where most people would rather die than vote in a Democratic president, my vote for Gore (which would have actually been a vote against Bush more than for Gore) was pretty useless. So, I voted for Nadar to make a point. I want a president who will make a commitment to new types of energy, to protecting the environment, who is truly interested in turning the government back into an institution that works for the people, or at least will listen to us once in a while. However, my point is pretty lost in the shuffle, especially considering that a large portion of the population is still celebrating that Bush is our new president. I'm sorry, but I just can't come to the party. I am still too depressed about the whole thing and from what I have seen of him so far, it's going to be a long, sad four years.

Copyright Salahub 2001