Day 2  Wednesday, August 27th

Wednesday, August 25:  Daily Class Outline

Lesson Objectives

Review expectations for the course. Introduce the writing situation model. Discuss WTLs from Day 1 and homework done for today. Introduce the Writing Situation Model as a key to effective writing in varied circumstances. Discuss strategies for critical reading. Introduce Portfolio 1 and hand out assignment sheet. Introduce the concept of summary and its conventions.


Connection to Course Goals

The rhetorical model for writing will be used throughout the course to demonstrate how writers use contexts to inform their writing. Exposure to the Writing Situation Model establishes initial familiarity with a concept that will be returned to and developed throughout the course, and this model should be connected to the course goal of students becoming increasingly able to write for varied purposes, whether those are academic, cultural or civic contexts. The homework discussion invites students to consider what influences them as writers in general, but more specifically, it asks them to consider how the context of this classroom helped determine what they wrote about and the approach they used when writing.


A Possible Sequence of Activities for Today

1. Call roll and complete logistics: 

  • Is there anyone new today?
  • Who still needs to sign up for the New York Times?
  • Hand out materials to those who weren't in the previous class.  You might also ask those students to stay a moment after class or visit you during your office hours so you can catch them up.

Remember to note any students who have failed to attend class the first two class sessions and to automatically drop them on the form provided by the English office.


Activity Ideas:  Logistics

2. Review expectations for course, especially addressing any stated expectations that lie outside the goals of CO150

Activity Ideas:  Reviewing Expectations

3. Introduce the Writing Situation Model.

Activity Ideas:  The Writing Situation Model

4. Discuss responses to the previous night's homework - specifically how context shapes our choices in writing (this is a good place to link back to the Interview Activity from Day 1, too).

Activity Ideas:  Discussing Homework

5. Discuss strategies for critical reading.

Activity Ideas:  Critical Reading

6. Introduce/assign Portfolio 1.

Activity Ideas:  Introducing Portfolio 1

7. Establish a conclusion for the class session and assign homework. It is very important that you leave 5 minutes at the end of class to conclude and assign homework.  This avoids students missing the assignment and you having to talk over students while they are packing up.

Activity Ideas:  Concluding and Assigning Homework


Assignment for Next Class Session

Assign the following to students:

  • Read Lizabeth Cohen's article, "Trying to Buy Our Way Out of Trouble" from your NYT Resource Packet.
    (You should print out and bring this and all future articles to class with you for discussion.)
  • Practice the critical reading strategies discussed in class today when looking at Cohen’s article, and make a bulleted list of Cohen ’s main points so that you’re ready to discuss these in class next time.
  • Read the guidelines for writing an academic summary (PHG 160-161). 
    *You might also have students check out the guide on writing summaries in the CO150 Room in the Writing Studio.  Since we are writing an "academic key point summary" you might ask:  Which type of summary explained there most closely correlates with the one explained in the PHG?

Additional Teaching Resources

For tips on how to plan your classes, visit the Planning a Class Guide on Writing@CSU.

For help creating your own lesson plans, check out Writting a Lesson Plan on Writing@CSU.

Throughout the semester, additional activity options are available via the Writing@CSU Teaching Activities Bank.