Maybe it is because I grew up with a religious faith, but I find it difficult to let go of the idea of a god-figure.  However, as I said, the version from my childhood no longer works for me.  What I think of when I think of God now isn't an old man with a long white beard and hair, wearing long white robes and leather sandals.  In fact, when I think of God now, there is no single image that I can attach to it, and God is just that, an "it" rather than a he (or she).

I imagine God as being energy, rather than form.  If there is such a thing as God, we are connected to it, part of it, just like every other thing in the universe.  For this reason, I suspect that modern science might know more about God than theologians.  I think that God is as much a part of technology as nature, however, I find that I feel closer to God in nature.     


© Salahub 2003