As soon as the words were out of my mouth, things started to challenge me.  My husband and I decided to sell our house and look for a new one.  If I were to heed my fear in the matter, I’d have stayed put.  I’d stay where I was comfortable and the place was known to me.  However, letting go of my fear demanded that I do this, that I literally move on.  The more I settled in to the idea, the more excited I got about the prospect of a yard, a garden, room for a dog, a new place to make my mark.

But behind everything, there is always the fear.  Fear says to me, in that nasty, quiet way it has, “Now you will be revealed as the fraud you really are.  You don’t know anything.  You will fail and everyone  will think you are a fool.  Go ahead and try.  I dare you.”   

So, a warning dear reader, be careful what you wish for.  I suggested a challenge, bragged that I would now face my fears, and the Universe was listening.   

© Salahub 2003