There is a series of postures in yoga called the sun salutation.  I recently read an article that described it in this way:  

The sun is God, giver of light, giver of life to all beings. In India, the sunrise is thought of as the eye of God come to look upon his [her] people. Each sunrise people pour out onto their porches, balconies and the street to acknowledge God with a moving prayer called Surya Namaskara, sun salutation...This ritual has been part of East Indian culture for thousands of years.

Connecting the mind with the body through meditative movement reminds us that we are the co-creators of our lives. Moving the body as a prayer to the power and light of the sun connects body mind and spirit; reminding us that our true essence is pure light, boundless love, and limitless creativity. When we ritually cultivate this state of union, we allow ourselves to unfold like a flower under the spiritual light of the sun blossoming into our highest potential. (, 10-26-2002)

© Salahub 2003