At 34, I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism and had to start taking medication.  Classic symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, slow pulse rate, dry skin, constipation, hair loss, depression, decreased sex drive in men and women, difficulty thinking clearly, inability to lose weight, and dry cracking nails.  In yoga, the fifth chakra (or energy center) which is located at the throat is associated with the thyroid gland and lungs.  Supposedly, words that are penetrating, true, and compassionate come from a strong fifth chakra.  When in imbalance, as mine has been diagnosed to be, blunt or opinionated communication can be the result, or a person may be too fearful to express herself at all.  The fifth chakra is also associated with taking responsibility for one’s personal needs, being able to create what you need and receive what you are given.

© Salahub 2003