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This caller was not being sarcastic or clever, nor was he exaggerating for effect.  As he spoke, the passion behind his belief caused his voice to shake.  More disturbing still is that he is not alone.  Suddenly, American flags are everywhere—on people’s cars, staked in their front lawns and hung from their roofs, on t-shirts and in windows, lining the sides of streets.  Over the last week, there has been an upsurge of patriotism that borders on nationalism.  I realize to some these qualities are perfectly valid and acceptable, maybe even a necessity due to recent events.  These people see the flags and ribbons as signs of hope, proof that we will pull together and persevere.  However, if we were to temper our emotions in this matter, we would recognize that extreme patriotism and nationalism mixed with fear and anger are qualities that too easily lead to fascism.  Our collective response to recent events could just as easily unravel us as save us.  

© Salahub 2003