Story reminds us of things we’ve forgotten.  Story constructs dreams and reality, and then blurs the line between the two.  Like a photograph of somewhere we’ve never been, story shows us things.  Story is didactic and tells us how we should live.  Story reveals some of us and hides others.  Story is how we live and how we survive.  Story allows us to be time travelers and shape shifters.  Story sets the standard, the norm, and then measures us against it.  Story is both figurative and literal.  Story is earth, wind, fire and water.   It is the four directions.   

Story is black marks on white paper.  Story is turning pages and following links.  Story is reading the sky or the palm of someone’s hand.  If you lick your finger, then hold it up in the air, you will be able to tell which way the story is blowing.  A proper diet consists of five servings of story per day.  Caution: Story is slippery when wet.  Story always has an audience, even if it is an audience of only one.  Story is the divided yellow line in the center of the road.  Story is the roof over your head, four walls and a floor, a window and a door.

© Salahub 2003