Ronna and Me

I’d had the same best friend since I was about five years old.  Ronna was sweet, funny, cute and popular and I still love her, but when we were together, I always felt like I was too loud, not pretty enough, and just plain weird.  My boyfriends always had crushes on her and I secretly suspected that they were with me to be close to her. 

My mom still laments and wishes that Ronna were my best friend.  But Dana, my best friend since high school, made me feel like I wasn’t alone, wasn’t the only weird one who didn’t quite fit in.  When I was with her, I could be myself.  In high school, my outlets were drama, theater and Dana. 

Acting and singing were such a release.  I could be anything and anyone I wanted.  The only limits were my imagination.  I was still writing as well, but that part of me remained a secret.   

© Salahub 2003