We got there twenty minutes before they opened the gates and there were already six cars in front of us.  When finally inside, we headed for the Great Dane pen.  One was already gone, even though it was only about five minutes after the gates opened.  The one that was left was stretched out in back.  I tried to get it to come to the front, but it looked away and ignored me.  It looked like it was mixed with maybe Lab, and at thirteen weeks, was already big.

The Rottweiler/Shepard mix litter was right next to the Great Dane pen.  I leaned down and a fat little black puppy bounded over.  I put my hand up against the wire and he started to lick my fingers.  Eric tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a sign over my head that asked that you not put your hands inside the pens.  I pulled my hand back and stood up, the puppy standing on his hind legs to try and follow.


© Salahub 2003