Table of Contents

What does this “more is better” version of the American dream leave in its wake? Less contentment and less free time. Disconnection from nature and community. And an environment straining to supply the natural resources and absorb the waste generated by our expanding collection of stuff.

Fortunately, there is a growing trend of Americans who are working to create a new American Dream – by changing the way they consume to improve their quality of life, protect the environment and promote social justice. They’re reconnecting to the land, and to their communities. They’re also building a consumer movement for a whole new dream, by pushing businesses, institutions and governments to provide products that make sense for the planet AND the bottom line. This is the future, and this is what the Center for a New American Dream is working to build.

This is the sort of thing that, finally, makes me feel patriotic.  If this new dream for America were to come true, I'd fly a flag.  I'd be happy to pay my taxes and I'd stop planning my escape.


© Salahub 2003