
Both the companion Website for the film and the book offer a diagnostic test that one can take to see how bad they have it.  I took the one in the book and scored a 28.  25-50 is “infected,” so I scored just above “no signs,” but still plenty bellow “sick” or “serious case.”  After taking the test, I tried to determine some of the things that I could do to lower my score.

·       Only shop if I need something, not to make myself feel better or relieve boredom or stress.

·        Try to “shop locally” when I can.

·        Take reusable bags to the grocery store.

·        Drink more water and less soda pop.

·        Really clean out our closets and garage to get rid of what we don’t use.

·        Choose at least one day when we won’t watch T.V.

·        Eat more vegetables and fruits, ones that are locally and organically grown.

·        Only buy things that have been planned and saved for, and only pay cash for them.

·        Return to a regular yoga practice.


© Salahub 2003