

Many people fulfill their deficiency needs, but get stuck in that lower section of the heirarchy. Part of the problem is that they never stay comfortable for a long enough time to be able to take the next step. Their success meeting their needs is only momentary. Something always happens to throw them back into crisis, create a deficiency. In order to keep moving, a person would have to be comfortable and stable for a long enough period of time that they started to think, "hmm, this is pretty good, but what else is there?"

Sometimes, the person themselves is to blame. They sabotage their own efforts, choosing chaos over stability and solitude. And yet, while people are quite capable of self-destructing, there are external factors that can complicate a person's efforts to make their life better. Some of these factors have become American institutions.

The advertising media is one of the best examples I can think of.

More to come...

Copyright Salahub 2001