My Own Quest

White Lotus

While I must still frequently address deficiencies in my lower order needs, much of my time is spent focused on self-actualization. This journey has not been an easy one. Along the way, I have had to contend with my own flaws and weakness. These are further compounded by the conflicts inherent to interacting with others who are at different stages and with the lifestyle of the country where I live. There are a multitude of forces that would rather I be content merely having enough to eat and a place to live, belonging to a larger group and feeling good about myself. It would be much more comfortable for them if I would just sit quietly and watch the shadows on the cave wall--or my TV.

When I first reached this level of self-awareness and began to make changes with the hope of making my life better, more fulfilling and representative of who I am, I expected that the only trouble I would have would be with myself. I imagined that it would be a completely internal struggle. However, what time has taught me is that the external forces that I must face are every bit as ferocious. The closer I get to happier living, the more removed I feel from the American Way of life.

Copyright Salahub 2001