Owning the Medium. 
Introduction and overview.

     This section takes a look at some of the power brokering going on in the media, with a particular eye on the Internet. Who will decide the fate of the Internet? Ordinary users, or someone else? Will there be many uses and purposes existing simultaneously? Which will be most popular? Why?

     I make the assumption that the Internet is an emerging form of media, or at least that it has the distinct possibility of being viewed this way by those in power, which means, simply, that it can be owned. The existing media is controlled by those in power, and they will want to control the Internet. Maybe they can, and maybe they can’t. We can, however, be assured that they will try.

     Money, as the saying goes, changes everything.

     First, this section looks at how powerful corporations see their role and stake in the Internet. This ties directly in to the government’s role, and, of course, the purported democratizing effects of the web. Then we look at the power of marketing, regulation, and censorship. 


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