'Tucky | Humidity | Heart Attack | Readin' and Writin' | Cheated

The Sue Ellens Are Comin' Concluded

Just so you know, I've learned to just throw my clothes in my suitcase but that might be because I'm often going to visit them and it's cheaper to use their washer. Or maybe it's just because I have found other things at which to procrastinate. I read this piece at reading. I had signed up to read at least two months in advance. I finished this piece with less than two hours to spare. Okay, I realize "finished" can be vague and maybe it's that things are never done for me, but the bottom line is I stayed up until 2am and got up at 6am to read this that night. I am a prodigy "Sue Ellen."

Who would have thought that my mom, the original Sue Ellen would have created her own army of "Sue Ellens?" I have to admit, I'm proud to be a member.

Finally! Go to Heart Attack

There's always a ham in the bunch
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