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The Sue Ellens Are Comin' Continued

The final quality I'll share with you today is one that is near and dear to my heart. It's definitely one I've inherited to a fault. Those of you who know me, can probably guess what it is. Yes, you're right. Procrastination. Again, this is a great example of how my dad could never be a "Sue Ellen." Before they go on a trip, he packs his bags the afternoon before they leave. I've noticed how his normal-sized suitcase sits behind the back door waiting to be placed in the trunk of whatever car delivers them to the airport. Sue Ellen, on the other hand, uses a slightly different approach. She often decides that packing time would be better spent doing things like sewing a button on dad's old work pants or filing three month old bank statements. You know, "important stuff." This would be fine if she was able to just throw clothes in a suitcase and go. But no, she first has to wash all her clothes, and I do mean all of them, then she folds them and puts them out on the ping pong table in our basement. I imagine it's about 3am at this point; finally moments before they are to leave, she can get them in the bag. I often call my parents to make sure they've reached their destination. Mom almost always whispers to me on the phone, "Well, you know how I am. I stayed up all night."

I attempt to console her at the same time scold her for this "Sue Ellen" behavior.

Her reply is always, "Don't worry about me. I'd better let you go. You have important things to do. I'm keeping you, aren't I?"

we're getting close

Most of us are procrastinators

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