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The Sue Ellens Are Comin' Continued

All "Sue Ellens" are extremely adept at filling in all moments of uncomfortable silence. This includes the times when you should probably just hang up the phone because there's nothing left to talk about. "Sue Ellens" fill this time with things like, "What was I going to tell you?" or "There was something else I was going to say." This tactic allows time for the other person to come up with something to talk about or gives us "Sue Ellens" a moment to think on the fly.

Another important quality that can be merely developed with the proper training is the need and ability to rearrange cars in the driveway for hours. I realize that this requires lots of cars so think about that when you're training. With a family of five girls, two boys, and my parents, you can imagine our driveway when most of us were teenagers. We had at least three cars at all times-my mom and dad each had a car and there was usually a 12 or 15 passenger van parked out there too. That's what I drove my friends around in high school. You might think, Oooh that sucks for a teenager. Actually, quite the contrary. I could fit most of my friends in there on a given night and it served as an apartment on wheels. We could drink, change our clothes, park (actually several of us could "park" at once), not to mention to use it to get where we were going. Again I digress, back to moving cars around. Add in a visiting friend or two with a car and the driveway is suddenly full. Since we were used to this problem, most of us knew how to park in the driveway to allow others to get in and out. But when our friends drove over, mom would collect keys from them and move their cars to one side of the driveway and put our cars on the other side.

I could go on and on and on

Nancy has no Sue Ellen either

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