'Tucky | Humidity | Heart Attack | Readin' and Writin' | Cheated

The Sue Ellens Are Comin' Continued

Occasionally, my mom, the real Sue Ellen, would visit while I was watching Sara's kids. It is always fun to watch Moe sneak around and make "Sue Ellen" comments before my mom gets in the door. He enjoys saying it up until the second she's within earshot, so she catches us all laughing. He would always bolt out of the room leaving me and the other Sue Ellens to answer her questions and ultimately convince her that we weren't laughing at her.

One time he watched the real Sue Ellen and my sister talking in the driveway. I sat behind him on the sofa with Annie. He looked back at us, then out the window again and shouted, "Will the real Sue Ellen, please stand up?"

Sometimes I try really hard not to react to Moe, because it just seems to encourage him, especially when I know my mom is about to come into the room. But other times I can't help doubling over with laughter despite myself. That day I turned away from him and continued playing with Annie. I ignored him successfully until he said, "Look Annie, the Sue Ellens are coming!" Annie just looked at her daddy until I laughed out loud, then she laughed and he continued, "They're everywhere, Annie. The Sue Ellens are everywhere!"

turn the page...again

Not quite a Sue Ellen...yet
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