Unit Two: Exploration into Professional and Academic Discourse

The purpose of Unit II is to help you look beyond the discourse communities you are part of now to those that will shape your identities in the future: your academic and professional communities. This unit will also give you a chance to talk to professors and professionals in your major, to work with peers in similar future fields, to experience collaborative work, and to find a topic for Unit III.

Collaborative Project: 15% (150 pts.)

  • For this essay, you'll work with a group of classmates. Each group member will analyze a piece of writing from his or her major field of study and write a rhetorical analysis. As a group, you will write a short paper that discusses similarities and differences in writing between your respective fields. Each group will also present a short oral report. You will use the format of a scientific research paper to present your findings, which will also include a reflection on what it will mean for you to become part of that community. You will also use the research you conduct as an opportunity to find potential topics for your Arguing Essay.