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Unit One, Day 7- Monday

Class Goals: Underscores need to look up unclear words in order to accurately and critically read/summarize a text. Moves them into more independent response activities through group construction of a response to Dalton's critique of the Horatio Alger stories.

Connection to Course Goals: Continues focus on accurate summary, supported development of response within the context of academic writing. Also continues to cover expectations of an academic context in terms of audience expectations and how ot deal with texts.


  1. WTL Have them list any words/phrases they were unclear about. This may include (so be prepared to explain) (5 min.)

After they present these to the class and you discuss meanings (or, if discussing meanings isn't going well), ask them

( They may look it up, or try to get the meaning through context. )

Practice this second technique by going to the paragraphs where there were difficult phrases/words.

Point out that one can't read critically without knowing what one's reading!

(15 min.)

Transition: will take a deeper look at the essay as a whole now that you have gone over some tricky parts.

  1. Small group activity on summary of Dalton essay:

Goal: Students should be able to summarize the essay accurately by pulling out the main points. ( See grey-edged pages 48-9 for further suggestions on main points.)

Assign each group the following questions to answer, write on the OH, and present to the class. Each group will get one question that they will answer amoingst themselves and then present to the class. It can be helpful if each group assigns a member to write stuff down, to present, to keep track of time, and to keep everyone focussed.

Response groups practice agree/disagree responses to each of the following topics (one topic per group):

Can they think of examples of any of these categories?

(Tiger Woods, Elizabeth Dole. . .)

(b) Groups present their findings. Then, to wrap up, ask the whole class the following questions:

Transition: Assume for the moment that we all agree that Dalton is right. Now we'll look at a contemporary example of the myth in action. CSOW: This is an example of the kind of example you might want to refer to in your essays.

  1. Class discussion. Turn to the children's story about Colin Powell that you read for homework and discuss:

Remember, Dalton does not say the myth is ALL bad, and they will most likely need to be reminded of this (many have a very negative reaction to this essay).

Assignment: Read the sample PRR essay and answer the sample workshop sheet questions. Choose which of your homework essays you want to turn into your PRR Essay.

If you finish early, work on using the story as textual evidence for a response to Dalton's essay.