
Appendix 18: Editing Practice

Grammar Error #1:

We went to the beach every year for our vacation, my mother loved the sea.

Grammar Error #2:

When I first came to CSU, I was amazed at how much work a college student must do. I'm sitting in my first class and wondering if I can make it. I'm thinking that I've always liked school, but this is a little too much of a good thing. I was, I think, a typical freshman.

Grammar Errors #3, #4, and #5:

I'm glad that your in this class with me.

I'm watching the professors mouth move, but for some reason I'm not hearing anything.

All of the professor's filed into the auditorium in their robes for graduation.

Grammar Errors #6, #7, and #8:

Leive's Please Don't Tell Me Another Jewish American Princess Joke was belligerent and confrontational.

This book we have to read for CO150, "Exploring Language," sure is lame.

I finally saw "Slingblade" last night.

Grammar Errors # 9 and 10

I try not to let my roommate's grouchiness effect my mood.

I think my headache is the affect of over-caffeination and sleep deprivation.

Grammar Error #11

White people are in a position where it is difficult to use nigger without seeming racist.