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Class Plan -- Unit Three, Day 26
Goals Assignment for Day 27
Based on group meetings. Suggestion: have interview appointment set. You may want to have students get started on the text analysis activity for Thursday. If so, you will need to assign the text. Choose an article from an academic journal and/or from a trade journal or from an actual workplace. You will need to provide copies to students of the text as well as of the analysis questions.

Daily - Assign students to groups which will write an explanation of something for several different audiences. You can use the exercise in the PHG pp. 23.

Discuss how audience affects the content and form of writing - In your discussion, focus on why as well as what and how.

Introduce Unit III - The purpose of the Daily today is getting students to think about how context affects communication to prepare them to investigate that in more detail in the Unit III group project. Review the Overview and assignment sheets in preparing your introduction.

The most important things to include in your introduction include why this is the appropriate culminating activity in the course (it links to the contexts in which they will be communicating after the course, it applies what we've learned about language throughout the course) and the procedures for working with groups.

Give assignment handouts.

Form groups - You will have formed the groups using the surveys students gave you before Thanksgiving break.

The goal for today is for groups to exchange information: phone numbers, the career or profession the group or each member is going to investigate, possible out of class meeting times.

Then, have each group develop a list of at least 10 interview questions they think would be helpful to elicit the information they will need for their report and presentation. Have them put the list in the order that they would ask the questions.

Discuss interview questions as a class - List questions on the board or overhead that the groups have generated. Listening to other groups ideas will help add to and revise groups' lists.

Discuss interview techniques. You will want to talk about using a tape recorder (asking permission, taking back-up notes), creating follow-up questions, thank-you notes, how to set an appointment, etc.

If time, you may want to role-play an interview with a student and have the class critique it.