Class Plan -- Day 5 back Return to Unit One:TR



Setup Needs:


Now that you've read and responded to several other Literacy Essays       

individually, spend some time thinking and writing about what they tell   

you as a set.  In general, what are the most important issues these       

essays raise about language and literacy? What do they suggest as a set   

about the themes we generated in the last class?                          

What makes good reading?                                                 

 Since we're going to start reading some outside articles--and we're     

going to read several more--it'll be useful to think about how to make   

your reading most effective.  Write for a few minutes on the following   

questions, and we'll come together and discuss them.                     


What does a good reader DO and THINK ABOUT:                              

 Before reading                                                          

 While reading                                                           

 After reading                                                           

When you bring the class together, make a three column log on the board with categories for what to do before, during, and after reading. In each area, record students' responses on the board, asking your students to copy the chart as you go along. Be sure to emphasize rereading and annotation as those issues arise in the discussion. Keep the discussion going until you have a reasonable working process for critical reading and some tips on annotating outlined on the board. Once you've got that outline, tell your students to practice this process with the article they'll read for homework. (20-30 min.)