Strategies for Writing

Read critically.

Focus not only on a particular "text" (TV show) but also on a particular aspect (such as gender roles) about which that text offers viewers messages. Where and how does the show both reinforce and challenge a shared cultural belief on this topic that could serve as a focus for your paper?

Audience: Use audience analysis to consider the knowledge, needs and interests of your readers. What shared cultural beliefs does your audience have about this topic? How do they tend to view this show, and from what standpoint? Where might your assumptions about the show and what you think is important about it in a cultural sense be similar to and different from theirs?

Purpose: Decide on a purpose for writing about this show for your audience that corresponds with your exigence. Why might your readers need to hear your analysis? Why might they be interested in or affected by the complex message(s) you've discovered? You'll need to offer your readers a reason for your analysis.

Development for this paper is more involved than in previous assignments in that you will need to "unpack" the various sub-claims this paper might involve and provide evidence for each aspect of the claim. Consider carefully what sub-claims your paper suggests and what kinds of evidence are needed to support them.

Cohesion: One of the most difficult parts of this paper will be demonstrating that your examples from the text/show actually substantiate your overall claim about its relationship to viewers and culture. Be sure to provide clear transitions to guide readers and use a structure that presents your ideas clearly and logically for them.