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Backwards Outline Analysis Directions



On a sheet of paper, write down the author’s main claim or controlling idea in the essay.   Divide the rest of the paper into three columns. Then complete the following tasks, one by one:


1.      In the left-hand column, write a brief summary of the content and purpose of each paragraph (e.g. Suzy Q example to support argument about body image).  If there are two distinct ideas or purposes in the paragraph, write a brief phrase for each.


2.      In the middle column, write a sentence that explains the connection between what this paragraph says/does and the overall claim at the top.  If you don’t know or it isn’t clear, write a question  mark.


3.      In the third column, write a sentence that explains the connection between the paragraphs (i.e. paragraph one and paragraph two; paragraph two and paragraph three, and so on).  If there is no clear connection, put a question mark in the third column.