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Unit Three, Day 39 - Monday, November 27

What we'll do today in class:

Connection to course goals: Academic argument expects that writers will use the types of appeals, and today's activities ask students to first understand the types of appeals and then to write appeals that will be effective within their own context.

  1. Discuss types of appeals.
  2. (10 min)

  3. Design an activity which asks students to analyze an essay and how it uses appeals. Make sure they consider such issues as what appeals are used to best fit the audience of the piece in question. You might also make this a group activity.
  4. (15-20 min)

  5. Design an activity that will have them return to their own essays and consider what type of appeals will be needed and what type will work with the audience.
  6. (10 min)

  7. Have them exchange their appeals and explanations with a classmate and get feedback on whether the classmate agrees that these will be effective appeals.
  8. (10 min)



PHG, "Shaping", pp. 471-474

PHG, Koch, p.449-454

Read Sample Essay (APPENDIX)