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Unit Three, Day 36 - Monday, November 13

What we'll do today in class:

Connection to course goals: The first activities emphasize the prewriting and revision parts of the writing process by asking students to first state their tentative claim and then revise it to better fit their purpose, audience, and context. Unpacking claims is a necessary part of the essay's context because any academic audience expects that the implied claims within a thesis will be dealt with thoroughly. Considering what evidence they'll need is also a context-based issue.


  1. WTL: You should, in your homework, have articulated a clear and narrow issue. To start today, write what you think will be your overall claim(s) in response to that issue.
  2. (5 min)

  3. Discussion of different types of claims to clarify definitions.
  4. (10 min)

  5. Group activity. In groups of 3, accomplish the following tasks. They'll need to use their homework writings and the claims they wrote for the WTL.
  6. (20 min)

  7. Discuss what claims imply about evidence.
  8. - Also, remind them that types of claims will suggest different types of proof. The PHG is set up to focus on different types of claims in different chapters:

    Type of claim










    (5 min)

  9. Return to groups to get suggestions on what evidence will be expected.
  10. (10 min)

    IF TIME…

  11. Based on the feedback, consider how the sources they already have will fit into their context.
  12. (5 min)



Bring copies of the sources you used in the Position Analysis


PHG, "Documenting Sources, MLA", pp. 583-592