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Unit Two, Day 24 - Monday, October 16

What we'll do today in class:

Connection to course goals: Students will again look at how academic writing and thinking skills can be applied to larger cultural contexts. The discussion of the essays again focuses on audience, purpose and focus to show how they respond to a context. The activity with their homeworks shows how their choices of audience and purpose will affect the type of evidence they'd need to use.


  1. WTL: What type of function(s) is each author doing? Find specific places in the text to support your claims about what type of analysis the authors do. Remember, they may be doing both!
  2. - Count them off by twos so half of the class works on each essay.


  3. Discuss the King and Rapping essays. Your goal in this discussion is to cover once again the three areas we've looked at in previous analyses - what type of function are they doing? What is their purpose/context/audience? What do they use (and how effective is) their evidence?
  4. (15 min)

  5. Discuss the evidence used by King and Rapping.
  6. (10 min)

    Transition: We've been talking a lot about purpose and audience and how that affected various authors use of evidence. Wednesday you gave your homeworks a more defined purpose and audience, and developed a claim. Lets now look and see how those changes may have affected what you would need to use as evidence in your analysis.

  7. Analyze the evidence needed for this analysis.
  8. Transition

  9. Take 5-10 minutes to begin writing on possible audiences you might choose to address in your own analysis. You might think about the audience for your show, what general purpose you may have in mind for your analysis, etc.
  10. IF TIME…

  11. Have students freewrite on their chosen show to think of possible aspects of the show to focus on and which might be most effective. This can prepare them well for their homework assignment.
  12. (5-10 min)



A one-page typed writing which:
  • identifies the show you'll analyze
  • 3-4 aspects of the show you could focus on
  • These could just be possible cultural topics or might be specific messages or anxieties you've already identified
  • 3-4 possible audiences you could address.
  • 3-4 possible purposes you could try to accomplish