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C0250 Writing Arguments Course Policies and Procedures
Instructor: Ms. Thomas
Office: 322 Eddy
Office phone: 491-7251
Office hours: T/R 2-3:30 p.m. and by appointment
E-mail: Vines: llthomas@english@liberalarts; Internet:
Writing Center: Eddy Hall, Room 6 (in the basement on the north side)
English Computer Lab: 300 Eddy

Course Description: This course builds on the writing principles and processes practiced in CO150. C0250 focuses on reading and writing a range of arguments appropriate for academic and general audiences. This course offers you multiple opportunities both to read and analyze varieties of argumentation and to research, write, and revise your own arguments on controversial issues. You will complete a carefully sequenced series of assignments that will include summarizing, synthesizing, evaluating, and crafting arguments, many of which will be based on library and field research.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of C0150 or equivalent.

Required Texts and Materials: Crusius and Channell, The Aims of Argument: A Rhetoric and Reader
3-4 pocket folders for portfolios
Recommended: An additional pocket folder or three-ring notebook for handouts, etc.; a college dictionary; a computer disk for back-up

Computer Classroom: We will use the computers daily for writing. If you cannot type 25 wpm or if you are unwilling to work on a computer, this is not the section of C0250 for you. We will be using a word processing program and electronic mail throughout the semester. One warning: while you can save your work on your own directory on the U drive of the network, you are advised to bring a floppy disk to back up your work every day. You are responsible for learning to use the computer properly and for making sure you save your work. Frequently, you will need to work on writing-in-progress in class on-line; therefore, you will need to either bring in files saved in a compatible format on a diskette or retrieve them from your directory on the network. All workshop drafts and final drafts must be word-processed!

Attendance: Class attendance is not only essential to your success in C0250 but is part of your contribution to the community of writers that we hope this class becomes. You are expected to be in class on time and prepared to participate, every scheduled class meeting. If regular class is cancelled for individual conference appointments, the conference is considered a class. Repeated absences (beyond four per semester) will undoubtedly interfere with your progress and will be considered when calculating your final grade.

Make-up Work: If you miss class, you are responsible for (1) contacting a classmate for notes, assignments, and handouts, (2) honoring all established due dates, (3) returning to class prepared, and (4) contacting your instructor if you have additional questions, during office hours or by e-mail. Workshops may be made up by having at least one classmate comment on your paper using the workshop directions from the workshop you missed or by visiting the Writing Center for help and having a tutor sign and date your draft before the next class.

Submitting Assignments: Assignments are due in class on the due date. Late work will not be accepted. You will be allowed one extension per semester. To receive an extension, you must consult with your instructor before the due date. If you do not meet the extension due date, you will receive no credit for that assignment. Extensions will not be granted at the class when an assignment is due.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism (the intentional or unintentional submission of all or part of another's work as your own) is unethical and, in some cases, illegal. If you turn in plagiarized work, you will fail the course and face possible expulsion from university.

Workshops: In-class workshops benefit writers in two ways: you learn how to improve your writing both in giving and in receiving comments on writing-in-progress. To participate in in-class workshops, you must attend these class sessions and be prepared for them with a word-processed draft. If you do not come prepared for or do not attend any mandatory workshop, the grade on the next portfolio will be reduced by one-third letter grade per missed workshop. (See above under "Make-up Work" for guidelines for making up missed workshops.)

Grading: You will be given clear directions regarding what is expected of you. In addition, we will discuss how to evaluate effective writing throughout the semester. Completing all assignments on time and attending class are essential to passing this course. You are reminded that work merely fulfilling the minimum expectations receives a 'C.' Above average work earns 'B's while 'A's are reserved for excellent work. Although you will receive more explicit information about grading and evaluation criteria throughout the semester, the following outline is provided for quick reference. If you have a question or concern regarding your grade at any point during the semester, please arrange to meet with me outside of class.

Portfolio I (due 2/28) - 35% of semester grade
Portfolio II (due 4/25) - 45%
Final paper/presentation (due 5/8) - 10%
Participation - 10%

Please note: Keep all the work you do throughout the semester in this class. Not only does each assignment build on the previous one, but your portfolio of work is a record of what you have done in this class which may be needed to verify your grade, support a grade appeal, demonstrate your progress in the course, or submit (with an application, for instance) as a sample of your work, among other possibilities.

Open Door Policy: If at any time you have questions or concerns, please contact me. While it is your responsibility to learn in this course and to work toward the grade you desire, clear communication between us is critical to your success as well. Take care of small concerns and confusions early before they have the opportunity to grow into major difficulties. And remember that I am committed not only to high academic standards but also to supporting the education of individual students.

Keep this sheet; you are expected to know, understand, and follow the guidelines stated above!