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The Sue Ellens Are Comin' Continued

I had helped to fix dinner and was putting it on the table. I listened while Sara called for the two older boys outside. I put Annie in her high chair while Moe dished out food for Mason, their 5 year old. Mason inherited Moe's permanent smile and grinned at the food piling up on his plate. If I say nothing else about Sara's kids, it's that they are generally happy and eat well. As I was saying my good-byes to Annie, the older boys came barreling through and plopped down for dinner. As she always did, Sara thanked me for watching the kids and putting dinner on, and I turned to wave at the table full of boys. I said, "Good-bye everybody. Aunt Cathy's leaving. I'll see you all next week." The older two mumbled good-bye as they waited patiently for permission to eat their food.

Moe sliced the meat and said good-bye. Mason looked up at me and while waving heartily, said, "Bye, Sue Ellen!"

I looked at my sister and we both covered our mouths then burst out laughing. Sara has the kind of laugh that echoes through the house. I never have to worry about losing her in a crowd. All I have to do is listen long enough and she'll let out that laugh. As Sara and I continued to laugh, the rest of the family joined in. I walked out the door to them all singing in unison, "Bye, Sue Ellen!"

keep going

Sara and her clan

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