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    Annotated Bibiography Assignment

    (5% of Your Overall Grade)

    An annotated bibliography provides both a complete reference to a text and a brief summary of it. To compile one, you must select sources, read them critically, and present them accurately. The bibliography should be an excellent reference for you or for someone else interested in sources relevant to the topic.

    Goals for this assignment include:

    Purpose: You should briefly but accurately summarize carefully selected sources.

    Audience: You, your classmates, and me.


    Annotations: Crusius and Channell, authors of The Aims of Argument relate that your annotations should include:

    The completed bibliography should be 3 to 5 processed pages in length. Be prepared to share your bibliography with other members of the class.

    Potential Topics (Please feel free to work on other topics not in this list but they must be appropriate to our course topic for this semester. Note: these should be narrowed considerably, but I hope that noting just a few starting points might help you generate a topic that interests you!)

    Endangered Species


    Land Management

    Native vs. Non-native Plant Life

    Water Rights, Water Use

    Nuclear Policies

    Air, Land, Water Pollution




    Waste Management