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Super Short Cheat Sheet For Internet Research

Remember that different search engines search different databases and handle searches uniquely.

Two good search engines:

These search engines typically produce more sources and more academic sources than pop sites like Yahoo!

Sites for information on citing Internet sources:

Typically, more recent (1995-on) citation guides in print include info on how to cite Internet sources.

Knowing URL endings will help students evaluate sources.

.com commercial site
.edu educational institution
.org non-profit organization
.gov government site
.mil military
.net network

These endings can give you clues to who is sponsoring the site. I don't suggest limiting yourself (or students) to only .edu and .gov sites, but carefully evaluate every site using the criteria for evaluating any source of information.

Using the Internet for in-class activities:

*for example, you can have students look at particular sites you've found and answer the typical audience questions for each site: who is the intended audience for this site? are you part of the audience? what kinds of appeals do the authors use? etc.