Portfolio 3, Part A: Writing an Argument for an Academic Audience

Overview: Now that you have inquired into your issue, you are ready to write an argument. The argument you write for Part A will be an academic, source-based argument. You may use the sources you researched in Portfolio 2, but you should continue to find new sources to support your argument. Furthermore, your argument should add something unique or new to the conversation, and not just repeat someone else's argument.

Purpose: To convince undecided readers to agree with your argument; or to make opposing readers less resistant to your argument; or to persuade readers who are in agreement with you to take action on your issue.

Audience: The audience for this argument is academic so it includes your instructor, yourself, your peers, and other members of the academic community. Prior to writing your argument, we will discuss argument strategies and the conventions of academic argumentation that will help you meet the needs and expectations of your audience.


Paper Length: 5 to 6 pages
Due Date: See TR or MWF Syllabus for due dates
Worth: 20% of your final grade